Rules for Submitting
1. No night before entries (these will automatically be denied)
2. It takes a minimum of two days to complete one submission
3. Overall time will depend on the selected package and length of work
4. Fill out the form and the requirements (these are given on the Fiction and Academic pages respectively)
5. English only please! Remember to specify which version of English (American or British) as they are slightly different
How This Works
1. Send your message by following the form
2. Once the message is received, an email saying whether you have been accepted or denied will be sent ASAP
3. If you were denied, don't be disheartened! You're free to submit as many things as you want, but only one thing at a time.
4. If you have been accepted, a message from PayPal will be sent with your price, as well as an email requesting your piece.
5. Half of the total payment MUST be given upfront. The second half will be requested upon completion.
5. Please make sure your piece is sent either as a Word Doc. or a link to Google Docs.
6. Editing will begin once the piece AND at least half of overall payment have been received.
What to Include In Your Message
For Fiction - Flash Fiction, Short Story, Novella, Novel or Poem:
For Nonfiction - subject:
For Academic - name of subject (e.g., English, Modern History, Ancient History, Geography, etc.):
Due date (if required):
English type (American, UK, etc.):
A summary of your text: