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Find here a list of questions and answers that we are often asked. If you still have more or wish for more information, feel free to contact us via email.
Time and Language
How long does an edit take?
This depends on the length of the work submitted.
Our shortest time frame is 2 days. This is to stop last minute submissions from the academic sector as this allows for more time should the work's owner decide to ask for more edits on their piece and provides a less stressful frame for communications.
What languages are accepted?
English only, please.
What time zone do you work in?
For the most part, we work in Australian Eastern Standard Time and Australian Eastern Daylight Time depending on the time of year. Should submissions and editing take place during travel, this can vary.
Price and Packages
Where can I find information on Packages?
Information on our packages and their prices can be found on the Packages page.
How does payment work?
Our prices are based on a wordcount of 3,000. For every 1,000 words that a submission has over this number, one dollar ($1) is added to the overall price.
Payment is done via PayPal.
Half of the overall payment MUST be provided upfront
Which Package do you recommend?
We recommend the Universe Package. Everything is covered under this one!
If you're just looking for a final edit, we recommend the Nebula Package.
Academic Subjects
Which academic subjects are accepted?
Photon Editing accepts the following subjects: Geography, Ancient History, Modern History, PDHPE. Science subjects depend on the content, but essays are accepted.
The only subject that will be an automatic 'no' is Mathematics.
How does editing work with larger peices or ones that have chapters?
Longer works will be done in chunks. More often than not, these works have chapters in some form. The first chapter will be done if the piece is accepted. This way, if you don't like the work, you will only have to pay part of the overall price (the price for your first chapter). Should you decide to continue, you will have to pay half of the remaining overall cost before work begins on the rest of the book.
What isn't accepted by Photon Editing?
Works that don't fall under the areas essays or stories fall under in some form will not be accepted. Examples of areas accepted include: Creative, Discursive, Analysis, Informative, Persuasive, Descriptive, Argumentative, Exposition, Narrative, etc.
Mathematics will NOT be accepted.
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