Find here information about and the submission requirements for Nonfiction works.
What is Nonfiction?
Nonfiction Writing is writing based in the real world. It deals with real people, real places, and real events. While these can be done in a story format, Nonfiction Writing falls under the following areas of writing: Biographies, Autobiographies, Articles, Instructions, Journalism, Memoirs, Historical Texts (not to be confused with Historical Fiction!), Essays, and many more.
These pieces are used to spread information and facts instead of stories, though misinformation is a big problem in our society. Overall, so long as it is used to provide information, it is Nonfiction.
There is crossover with Academic Writing. For Nonfiction done in an Academic setting, please head over to the ‘Academic Writing’ page. For all other Nonfiction, this is where you should be.
Recommended Packages for Nonfiction Writing
Photon Editing recommends the following Packages for Academic Writing:




Submission Requirements
Title of work required.
Format required.
Topic of work. What is it about?
Don’t be afraid to submit anything you’re working on no matter the topic! You have a higher chance of being accepted than not.
Remember to fill in which Package you would like.
Remember to read the submission form requirements and check what is or isn’t accepted before filling in the form on the ‘Submit Here’ page.