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Remain Calm & Exam

Writer's picture: Photon EditingPhoton Editing

Updated: Jun 9, 2024

By Photon Editing

It’s exam time of year and we all know what that means:


Exams can be the most stressful time of year. This is hardly surprising, all things considered. I think we’re all well aware that exams, especially in high school settings, don’t accomplish much other than freaking students the heck out, even more so those in the higher years. We’re looking at you, Year 11 and 12 people!

There are plenty of resources out there on how to prepare for exams (let’s be real, they all pretty much say the same thing) but there are nowhere near as many about what you can do to help with the overwhelming stress, emotions, pressure and general disappointment that come with exams. So, let’s see what we can do about this.

Following is a list of things we have come up with that can help you stay calm and destress. These things won’t work for everyone as everyone has different needs, expectations and ways of destressing, but these are some more general things that work for a lot of people. Perhaps you’ll find something that will help you, too!


Professor Lupin was onto something when he said chocolate makes you feel better. If you’re able to have a little when you get out of exams or when you get home, it can give you something sweet to think about. Chocolate has been proven to help people feel better (but make sure you don’t overdo it. It is a double-edged sword!).


This one is especially relevant to the kids and young adults among you. Exams are far from the most important things in your life, despite what your teachers and parents may tell you. Make time to watch Netflix, play videogames, read books, listen to music, draw, etc. You are young and have your whole lives ahead of you. Make time to act your age.


Studying is great and all when it comes to preparing for exams, but if it gets to the night before and you’re still trying to relearn new concepts, you’re just asking for trouble. You should only really study up until a few days before your exams before switching to revision. Because if you haven’t figured it out before the night before your exam, chances are you’re not going to figure it out until after the exam is over. This is a quick road to even more stress and anxiety.

As well as this, don’t stay up all night studying. Sleep is important. If all you’re doing with your time is studying (thanks a lot, parents and teachers, for making us get into the habit in the first place!) you’re on a fast track to burnout and making yourself sick. Eat properly. Drink properly. Sleep the best you can. Don’t sacrifice your health for the sake of a few marks that won’t matter in six months time.


Yes, you are actually allowed to, gasp!, talk to your friends during exam time of year about things that aren’t exam related!


Find a balance between studying and self-care. If you make yourself sick before exams or burn yourself out, chances are you will do nowhere near as well as you would have if you’d taken the time to just relax for a few minutes. Take breaks. Walk around. Do things not school related. Give your brain time to rest and process before moving onto the next thing. There’s a reason online resources tell you to take breaks after every half-hour-or-hour of studying. Despite what parents say, you’re not actually being lazy.

Just remember that you do also have to also do the school stuff otherwise this will have all been for naught.


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